51 Facebook Post Ideas For Startups And Small Businesses

51 Facebook Post Ideas

51 Facebook Post Ideas For Startups And Small Businesses

As entrepreneurs, we all desire interactive engagement on our startup’s social media posts and want to figure out how to grow our Facebook likes. Being consistent on Facebook is how one can get more visible and fetch more sales and conversions.

If you create a post that instantly fetches engagement, then it’s highly possible that Facebook won’t make things difficult for you. This means you could end up appearing on more user’s newsfeeds easily. So, when you’re going through our detailed list of Facebook post ideas for startups and small businesses, try and think about what you can do to turn them into engagement strategies.

1. Portray your story

You should understand that you are definitely more than the services and products you offer. Use this as a perfect opportunity to develop a deeper connection with your Facebook audience. You can always share behind the scene stories and images. And add a short caption and let them know what you have planned.

2. Upload posts with your logo

Develop your brand identity by displaying your logo on your uploads. Go for colours and logos that help you stand out from the usual crowd. Go for something that is professional and doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket.

3. Post about trending topics

Upload stuff about topics that are trending as per the news feed algorithm. By posting informative and popular content, you can fetch an opportunity to interact with your followers by responding to comments.

4. Share pictures of your team

When you share pictures of your hard-working employees, you’ll be able to cultivate your business and emerge from the competition. This way you can maintain transparency with your audience.

5. Upload inspirational or funny pictures

Posting funny and inspirational stories on Facebook can work wonders for your readers. To inspire and energise fans, this kind of content is the best way to create engagement. This can work wonders for your startup or small business!

6. Upload questions and fill-ups

Questions and fill-ups definitely get readers to react without fail. It is a fact that people love this kind of content. Also, Facebook posts like these offer a lot of reactions.

7. Fun office posts

No one wants to associate with a dull and boring workplace. Always make room for fun or laughter. These are moments where you can show your company personality.

8. Pictures of your services or products in use

Portraying your products or services in use is one the best means to take onboard new clients as well as explain your company’s value proposition. Make an effort to showcase your products in a creative manner.

9. Schedule your uploads

It is important to know that timing is crucial to attracting followers. Make an effort to schedule your posts according to the most active time of your followers. Though this isn’t exactly a Facebook post idea, it’s an important thing to know.

10. Change cover and profile pictures

It is important to change your cover and profile picture on a routine basis. By doing this, you can keep your social media page and followers up-to-date.

11. Create a contest and offer giveaways

Everyone likes to win gifts. This technique is a great way to increase popularity. You can easily run a Facebook contest on your page by offering giveaways or discounts on services and products.

12. Upload event-based posts

When you upload event-based posts, your audience can easily observe how fun it is to be at your events and what all offers are available. This is the best means to offer detailed information to your potential readers in the market.

13. Recycle those popular posts

Never let your best content enjoy only one day. If it’s been successful before, chances are it will be successful again. If you have articles or blogs in your arsenal, you can easily pull extracts from them whenever you require to post something.

14. Regular activities of your business

Informing your readers about the daily routine of your potential business is a great means to let them know exactly what you do. Highlighting your regular activities is a superb way of showing how you operate, step-by-step. It is also great for establishing a sturdy set of company values.

15. Create a themed series of posts

Select a theme and base a series of uploads on it. It could be pictures of specific topics or multiple videos about your products or anything related. You could also make use of hashtags to tie the posts together and make them simple to find. Keep the theme consistent throughout and make sure that each upload is related to each other.

16. Include your expert’s opinion

Always upload an expert’s interview on your Facebook page related to your potential business to benefit your readers. This can create interest and drive traffic to your website.

17. Upload something seasonal

This can operate particularly well if you have items that are designed for each season. For instance, if you sell sunglasses, then you can post about them during the summer season. Make use of this Facebook post idea to advertise seasonal holiday deals easily.

18. Feature how-to-guides

These are the best means to explain to your readers exactly how to use your items and services. Make use of images to make these guides attractive and also make an effort to be comprehensive but not overly-detailed.

19. Make predictions

When you make the right predictions of the trending products in the industry, then the customers are sure to get impressed by the fact that you know your industry so well. Make an effort to make predictions that you genuinely feel will come good, rather than simply speculating.

20. Recommend other likable pages on Facebook

Use your posts as an opportunity to recommend pages for your readers to like. Such pages must be genuinely interesting and informative so that they offer measurable value to your customers.

21. Appreciate people for their positive comments on your post

Social listening is always one of the most vital parts of creating a successful impression on Facebook. Readers always want to know that they are being heard and they prefer that their problems are dealt with effectively and efficiently. By appreciating them you can easily showcase the human side of your business.

22. Throw positive emotions

Nobody likes to look at negative posts online. That is the reason why your posts should always be as positive as possible. These posts always have a track record of fetching effective engagement.

23. Got some new hires?

Show off the new talent that just entered your business with a positive post so that you can highlight how appealing your company is to work for, and therefore how attractive your company is to purchase products from.

24. Expert how-tos

It would be best to go into detail about how to use your potential products with these guides. This offers a chance to discuss your product and portrays the effort that went into its design.

25. A find-the-item upload

The objective of this Facebook post idea is to encourage individuals to visit your potential website. Describe your products and then encourage your readers to go find it online. Offer an incentive, like a free trial, to engage them to follow through with it.

26. Quote pictures

Everyone requires a bit of inspiration from time to time. Sharing motivational massages and inspiring quotes is something that keeps your potential brand’s human character alive and prominent.

27. Show off that hard-earned award

This can be the best means to showcase your brand’s ideals among industry players. It highlights that you are among the best in your special niche. It also serves as a powerful tool that shows your client just how good you are at what you do.  

28. Showcase your values

Sticking to your special values is crucial when developing a brand identity. Values that your readers can connect with will help develop trust and create beneficial relationships. Understanding that a company has your best interests at heart can be a great incentive to purchase from them.

29. Link to crucial information

Users like effective information, thus, if you offer links to helpful blog posts and websites that offer value to your readers, they will definitely continue to see you as a leader in your niche industry.

30. Go for recipes

The odds are always high that your audience prefers great food recipes. Whether it be a blog, post, or a video of a recipe, food recipes that capture your attention while you are scrolling will definitely have a high chance of resonating with your audience on Facebook.  

31. Give back to the community

You can donate to a local cause and also ask your readers for help, or even share a local fundraising event that you are participating in to encourage more and more participants and goodwill for your products.

32. Showcase a work-in-progress

Always offer your customers a sneak peek at an upcoming item by uploading about a work-in-progress. You don’t require to give away too much info, and other jazz, but make sure to share that it’s definitely worthwhile.

33. Encourage sign-ups

Make an effort to cross-promote your social media channel and encourage readers to join your email list by offering valuable information they can’t resist.

34. Always use hashtags

The best thing about hashtags on your social media channel is that it helps surface your content to individuals who use hashtags to search for posts on particular topics.

35. Ask for useful feedback

Allow your readers to have an opinion and offer them chances to be transparent with their emotions. Even if the feedback isn’t positive, the information you will receive can be applied to better your items and services in great ways.

36. Be authentic and real

This kind of boldness and transparency is always liked by the readers.

37. Recommend books to read

Make an effort to share an industry-related book that you like, or even a list of must-read books for inspiration to do better.

38. Go live during an item webinar

Facebook Live acts as an effective tool for marketing products when used rightly. You must make sure that the video quality is absolutely perfect before you go live. You can offer real-time demonstrations of what your product offers and you can also answer customer questions directly.

39. Finish all profile areas

One of the basic Facebook marketing details on the list is actually filling out the business profile completely. That includes all contact information, a description of who you are and what services do you offer, and even extends to any milestones in your past as well.

40. Invite for likes

It is best to invite people who react to your posts. Huge audiences increase by developing content that gets shared by others. Chances are high, that if they liked one piece of content you’ve created, they will like others as well.

41. Share case studies

Develop an efficient case study about your service, product, and share so that your readers know better and connect better too.

42. Make use of Facebook Pixel

Adding the feature of Facebook Pixel to your website offers you the ability to target your audience with Facebook Ads. The best part is, these readers are cheaper to market to and have a higher conversion rate than usual Facebook advertising.

43. New job listings

If your team is planning to hire then you must let your audience know. Who is better for your company than a dedicated follower who has watched your company develop!

44. Tag businesses on your posts

When creating a post, or sharing any other content, try and tag the people mentioned in the post. This acts as a nice gesture to hat tip the original creator and helps advance awareness.

45. Maximize your company newsletter

Make use of this professionally designed collateral that your company offers.

46. Go for 360-degree pictures

Those 360-degree images that you can click with your phone, are engaging and when done well can easily highlight a physical place such as an office, or any other site location.

47. Q&A session

Make an effort to take questions from your readers on social media and turn it into a question and answer session to advance engagement and offer exceptional client service.

48. FAQ about your potential products

FAQ are crucial for any budding business that aims to fetch perfect customer service. Posting FAQ on Facebook increases their visibility to the readers. This makes sure that the customers do not waste time searching for answers and wouldn’t have to contact you as often.

49. Share your company selfies

This way you can showcase your fun side that highlights the togetherness of your set-up. If your readers see a strong connection with each other, it will only encourage them to create a meaningful relationship with you in the future.

50. Announce freebies

Everyone prefers freebies. It is an effective idea to let readers engage their friends and advance the virality of your freebie campaign.

51. Go for a Poll or a Quiz

Creating a poll on your social media handle is a user-friendly means to ask for advice. Readers like polls, as they require less effort and develop a sense of curiosity to see how the answers compare with others. It is a fact that quizzes and polls are among the most shared and viral types of content on Facebook.

The key to creating innovative and interactive Facebook posts is to listen to your potential followers and offer them what they desire. We hope these Facebook post ideas for startups and small businesses will help you get more engagement!

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