As a social media marketer, business owner, or even someone who’s simply interested in the topic, there’s plenty of ground to cover when you’re new to the game.
But even after you’ve got the grips with the basics, and even some advanced techniques, there’s always space to learn more.
That’s why we’ve rounded up eight things you more than likely didn’t know about social media marketing. Read on, and maybe you’ll learn something new!
1. Gurus may not always be as they seem.
You may think your favourite guru is earning their following (and even an income) simply by spreading their expertise, but this is often far from the truth.
Many of these gurus are spending a lot on advertising, popular guest bloggers, email promotions and more.
2. Social media networks also count as search engines.
With today’s reliance on social media, more and more people are entering their search terms into their favourite social networks in order to find content relating to each topic.
In fact, Facebook garners over 1.5 billion search queries each day!
3. Quantity is just as important as quality.
You’ve probably heard the term ‘quality over quantity’, but what if we told you they’re both important? Of course, quality is essential, but it’s also worth ensuring you’re providing enough content on a regular basis.
4. Google searches take social media into account.
If you’re running a successful social media page with plenty of shares, your Google ranking will improve. Your social content should be considered part of your SEO strategy!
5. Blog posts don’t have to feature written content.
If writing isn’t your thing, you can still maintain a popular blog for your brand. Try using photo galleries, videos or tutorials as an alternative!
6. Buying likes won’t work.
Sure, you’ll look the part at first glance, but users today are much more social savvy and will know if you’re simply putting up a front. There are even sites designed to show whether you’re using fake followers!
7. You’ll gain the most likes through paid advertising.
We’d all like to think our pages are so great that the likes will build up fast and organically, but that’s not always the case. No matter how good your content is, people need to see the page to like it – and probably won’t know you exist without paid ads. According to guru Jeff Bullas, over 75% of brand page likes come from advertising!
8. You don’t need to conquer every platform at once.
You may feel like you need to have a presence on every social platform, but won’t worry about doing it all at once. Pick one or two to get to grips with and develop a strong following there before expanding.
Did you know all of these facts about social media marketing? If not, which ones were new to you? We’d love to hear about it in the comments – and it would be awesome for you to share your own cool facts too!