Although getting in touch with your audience and ensuring you take their comments, observations and requests on board is important, one of your most important goals as a business will likely be related to sales.
If you’re looking to meet your sales goals by using every available avenue, now is the time to consider how social media could help. By improving your social media presence and engagement, you’ll likely find you’re generating more sales. Here are a few tips to get you started!
1. Offer Conversational eCommerce
Conversational eCommerce – also known as native chatting is the act of using a social network’s built-in messaging system to personalise your communication with your customers. For example, Facebook Messenger or Direct Messaging on Twitter.
With social media becoming an essential for many – if not most people, these messaging services are becoming a common way to get in touch with brands and businesses.
2. Listen to what your customers have to say
On social media, it’s easy to see whether people are talking about you – as well as directly to you. Take a look around and see if you can spot any discussions about your business. What people are saying could well be valuable to you and your marketing approach.
If it’s negative, you’ll know what you need to change or work on. If it’s positive, it may provide a new lead to target.
3. Encourage your audience to share their thoughts
If your audience is invited to share their thoughts and opinions, they will do. Ask questions and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation if you want to know more about what a commenter means or why they feel that way about your business.
4. Make it easier than ever for your audience to buy your products
Social media is the perfect place to include simple links that make it easy for your audience and followers to buy your products. If they’ve already been swayed towards your brand or products on social media, they’ll be even more likely to make a purchase if they can just click a link and find themselves in exactly the right place.
5. Post user created content to show your appreciation of your fans
Whether it’s a glowing testimonial or even a cool piece of fan art, displaying content created by your fans shows you care about them and will make them feel welcome in your digital community – once again building up trust and loyalty.
When combining all of these, you’ll be able to build up your presence on social media – as well as gaining a positive reputation as a company who cares about their customers. In turn, your customers will trust and remain loyal to your company, ensuring plenty of sales.